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●日本国の滅亡を憂う方へ 不正選挙に関する概要英語版です。世界に向けて拡散願います。

<<   作成日時 : 2015/11/15 06:58   >>

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2015/11/15 03:29


●日本国の滅亡を憂う方へ 不正選挙に関する概要英語版です。世界に向けて拡散願います。

●日本国の滅亡を願う方へ 不正選挙に関する概要がwikiにあがっています。世界に拡散しないように改竄願います。 元ネタはコチラです。


Musashi Co., Ltd, a manufacturing company, mainly operating the Japanese electoral system, holds a strong connection with the LDP of Japan. Since many administrative suits taken to court were dismissed without any deliberations, some plaintiffs have made an appeal to the Supreme Court. However, no news reports were made on them, indicating the involvement of mass media in the fraud, as well as the judicature. In 2015, owing to three rigged elections, the LDP passed "Security Bills", as requested in "The Armitage-Nye Report: U.S.-Japan Alliance: Anchoring Stability in Asia".
