旧richardkoshimizu's blog


<<   作成日時 : 2015/12/11 18:31   >>

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T. Patrick Murrayという映画製作者が、キューブリック監督の死ぬ数日前にインタビューをしていて監督は「月面着陸は偽物」と語ったそうです。死後15年は公開するなといわれて、今日、真相の全貌を暴露予定。





2015/12/11 13:30


Stanley Kubrick Admits He Helped NASA Fake Moon Landings In New Film?



A new film by filmmaker T. Patrick Murray has recently surfaced in which famed director Stanley Kubrick allegedly gives an interview admitting that the moon landings were faked. The interview took place 3 days prior to Kubrick’s death on March 7th 1999, and Murray was told he could not release the footage until 15 years after Kubricks’ death. He was allegedly forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for those years, and Murray states that, in accordance with this ruling, in 48 hours he will release the full edit. This should be Dec 11th 2015.